@@Just one adjustment = Tenjin adjustment =

Case No.1 @Male 88-year-old

Main complaints:

Cold and left foot numbness
 strongly  from one month ago.  It became difficult to walk.

@@Has also lower back pain, and go to the bathroom every morning by crawling.
Pacemaker to the heart
(taking heart medicine, diabetes medicine, tranquilizer to sleeep)

Tests to be standing could not do, because of the pain.


First time  Received Tenjin Adjustment to the February 2013 

@@@7 minutes after the adjustment, he said

 @@@"Oh, my left foot pain is gone.h 
After the chills came out,  it became warm, . and seems foot pain has gone.

Second time@@@2weeks after Tenjin Adjustment

@@@It was dramatically better.

From the day following the adjustment, was able to walk to the bathroom.

About 4 months from the first time

@@@About 5 days recentry, extremely good physical condition. 

@@@Feel delicious to eat. Can walk well.

@@@gI feel very strange.h

About 5 months from the first time

@@@@@gNow, I feel best in my life.h